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BLOG STARTED: 15/03/11
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Yu Juan♥ Serine♥ Venisa♥
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Real World Application
Apparatus Needed:Filter Paper Tripod Stand ...
Crystallization Type of mixture: Soluble solid in ...

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Saturday, March 19, 2011
Crystallization/Recrystallization @ 8:59 PM

Real World Application @ 8:28 PM

-Gas Filtration
-Sewage treatment
-Aerobic and Anaerobic decay
-Municipal waste treatment

-Natural (mineral) crystal formation
-Stalactite/stalagmite, rings formation
-Snow Flakes formation
-Honey Crystillisation
-Crystal production

@ 6:31 AM

Apparatus Needed:

Filter Paper

Tripod Stand

Bunsen Burner

Evaporating Dish

@ 6:00 AM

  1. Type of mixture: Soluble solid in a solvent.
  2. The soluble solid must not decompose upon heating.
To obtain a PURE solids from a solution. :)

Steps needed:
1)Dissolve the impure solid in the solvent.
2)Heat the solution to evaporate most of the solvent.
3)The hot solution is allowed to cool. The dissolved solid will appears as pure crystals.
4)The cold solution is poured off to obtain the crystals. The crystals may be dried by pressing them between sheets of filter paper.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Filtration @ 7:29 AM


Filter Paper

Filter Funnel

Conical Flask

Filtration @ 1:58 AM

Monday, March 14, 2011
Filtration @ 11:46 PM


When a solution is made up of soluble and insoluble materials, we can use Filtration to separate the materials.


To obtain pure solid. :)

Steps to seperate solid from liquid:
1)Dissolve the mixture in water.
2)Ensure a folded filter paper is put in the filter funnel.
3)Pour the mixture into the filter funnel.
4)Using a glass rod, stir the mixture in the funnel to prevent clogging

Solid collected on the filter paper: Residue
Liquid collected in
the beaker: Filtrate

Precaution: I would ensure to use a glass rod to check thet the filter funnel is not clogged.